India Air Service Agreements

India Air Service Agreements: A Comprehensive Overview

In today`s globalized world, air travel has become an integral part of international trade and commerce. To facilitate the seamless movement of people and goods across borders, countries enter into Air Service Agreements (ASAs) with each other. These agreements outline the terms and conditions under which airlines of one country can operate in the airspace of another country.

India, being a rapidly growing economy and one of the largest aviation markets in the world, has entered into several ASAs with various countries. In this article, we will take a closer look at these agreements and their significance.

India`s ASAs with Major Countries:

1. United States:

The India-US Open Skies Agreement, signed in 2005, is one of the most important agreements entered into by India. Under this agreement, airlines of both countries are allowed to operate an unlimited number of flights between India and the US. The agreement also allows airlines to operate to any city in the US from any city in India, including transit flights.

2. United Kingdom:

India has a historic relationship with the UK and this is reflected in their air service agreement. The agreement allows airlines of both countries to operate up to 56 weekly flights each, between the two countries. This agreement was updated in 2018, and it now allows unlimited cargo flights between the two countries.

3. Australia:

India and Australia signed an ASA in 2018, which allows airlines of both countries to operate up to 1,100 flights per week between the two countries. This agreement also provides for code-sharing, which allows an airline to sell tickets on another airline`s flight as its own.

4. France:

India and France signed an ASA in 2003, which allows airlines of both countries to operate up to 50 weekly flights each, between the two countries. However, this agreement is limited to designated cities, with Delhi and Mumbai being the only cities designated by India.

5. Singapore:

India and Singapore signed an ASA in 1994, which allows airlines of both countries to operate up to 107 weekly flights each, between the two countries. This agreement also allows for code-sharing, joint ventures, and pricing flexibility.

Significance of ASAs for India:

India`s growing economy and expanding aviation sector have made it an attractive destination for airlines from across the world. Through ASAs, India has been able to expand the reach of its airlines, provide greater connectivity to its citizens, and boost its tourism industry.

In addition, ASAs have also helped in promoting bilateral trade and investment between India and other countries. By allowing airlines to easily connect with each other, these agreements have facilitated the movement of people and goods across borders and have supported the growth of various sectors, including healthcare, education, and technology.


India`s ASAs with various countries have played a crucial role in promoting international trade and commerce and enhancing the connectivity of its airlines. These agreements have facilitated the movement of people and goods across borders and have supported the growth of various sectors. As India continues to grow, it is important that it continues to enter into ASAs with other countries, to further expand the reach of its airlines and promote bilateral trade and investment.

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