Contraction Meaning in Hindi during Pregnancy

During pregnancy, you may come across a term that you may not have heard before – Contractions. Contractions refer to the tightening and relaxing of the uterine muscles that occur during labor. While contractions are an essential part of the labor process, it`s essential to understand them to prepare yourself better.

But what does contraction meaning in Hindi during pregnancy? The Hindi word for contraction is “Apeksan.” During labor, the uterus contracts and tightens to help push the baby out. These contractions are often described as waves of pain and discomfort that intensify as labor progresses.

There are different types of contractions that women experience during pregnancy. The first type of contraction is called Braxton-Hicks contractions. These are practice contractions that prepare the uterus for labor. They usually start around the second trimester and feel like a tightening of the stomach.

The other type of contraction is known as true contractions. As the name suggests, these contractions indicate that labor is starting or progressing. They tend to be more painful and stronger than Braxton-Hicks contractions. True contractions are further divided into early labor, active labor, and transitional labor.

Early labor contractions are usually around 30-60 seconds long and occur every 5-20 minutes. You may also experience lower back pain and mild cramps during this phase. Active labor is when the contractions become stronger and longer, lasting around 60-90 seconds, and occur every 3-5 minutes.

Finally, transitional labor is the most intense part of labor, where your cervix is fully dilated. Contractions during this phase can last up to 2 minutes and occur every 2-3 minutes apart.

It`s important to note that contractions are a normal part of labor, and while they can be painful, they are necessary to help push the baby out. However, if you experience contractions before 37 weeks, this could indicate preterm labor, and you should seek medical attention immediately.

In conclusion, understanding contraction meaning in Hindi during pregnancy is crucial for expectant mothers. Contractions are a vital part of the labor process and indicate that your baby is on its way. Knowing the different types of contractions and their duration can help prepare you for labor and make the experience less daunting. Always remember to listen to your body and seek medical attention if you experience any worrying symptoms.

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