Icon Water Enterprise Agreement

Icon Water Enterprise Agreement: Understanding the Benefits and Implications

Icon Water is a leading water and sewage utility company in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) that provides essential services to more than 400,000 customers. The company operates under an enterprise agreement that outlines the terms and conditions of employment for its workers.

If you are an Icon Water employee or a job applicant, it is important to understand the benefits and implications of the enterprise agreement. In this article, we will provide an overview of the Icon Water Enterprise Agreement and highlight some of its key provisions.

What is the Icon Water Enterprise Agreement?

The Icon Water Enterprise Agreement is a legally binding agreement between the company and its employees that sets out the terms and conditions of employment, including wages, hours of work, leave entitlements, and other benefits. The agreement is negotiated between the company and relevant employee representatives, such as unions, and must be approved by the Fair Work Commission before it can take effect.

One of the main objectives of the Icon Water Enterprise Agreement is to ensure fair and reasonable employment conditions for all workers, while also supporting the company`s performance and growth. The agreement covers a wide range of roles within the company, from administrative and support staff to technical and operational roles.

Key provisions of the Icon Water Enterprise Agreement

The Icon Water Enterprise Agreement includes a number of provisions that are designed to benefit employees and maintain a harmonious workplace. Some of the key provisions include:

1. Wage increases: The agreement provides for annual wage increases that are linked to the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and other economic factors. The aim is to ensure that employees receive fair and reasonable remuneration that keeps pace with the cost of living.

2. Flexible working arrangements: Icon Water recognises the importance of work-life balance and offers a range of flexible working arrangements to its employees, including part-time work, job sharing, and flexible hours.

3. Leave entitlements: The agreement provides for a range of leave entitlements, including annual leave, sick leave, parental leave, and long service leave. These provisions are designed to support employees during times of personal or family need.

4. Health and safety: Icon Water is committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace for its employees, and the agreement includes provisions to support this objective. For example, employees have the right to refuse unsafe work and are provided with appropriate training and protective equipment.

5. Career development: The agreement recognises the importance of career development and provides for training opportunities and career advancement pathways for employees.

Implications for employees

For employees, the Icon Water Enterprise Agreement provides a level of stability and job security that is not always available in other industries. The agreement sets out clear expectations for working conditions and provides a framework for resolving workplace disputes.

However, employees must also be aware of their obligations under the agreement, including meeting performance targets and complying with health and safety requirements. Failure to meet these obligations can result in disciplinary action and potentially, termination of employment.

Overall, the Icon Water Enterprise Agreement is an important document that outlines the rights and responsibilities of both the company and its employees. By understanding its provisions, employees can ensure that they receive fair and reasonable employment conditions and contribute to the success of the company.

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